
12.11.12 SonjaBajic 0 Comments

we went to sicily for the weekend. we actually went to hear KingKhan&the Shrines. sicily was just a place. favorite Mark's bend.
we arrived right on time. 9.30. flat. concert started at 2.30. next day, right? Annie was so pissed, she went to the backstage, asked: yo, when are you starting? 2.30. she came back to me. no, no way. no concert starts at 2.30. that can't be.
next scene: 2.30. kingkhan puts his glitter on and here they are. it starts!
it was amazing. energy. people. they are so free and so, well, they are not vain. their startdom is fictional  and they now where they are standing.
they are true heroes.

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