It is extremely hot these days. When you read books about summer: this is it. Summer from the books. Hot, no humidity, people are barely breathing and all you can eat is a giant portion of salad (with goat cheese).
We caught some air in the mountains almost 6 hours away south (Kopaonik). I desperately needed some rest, blue skies of nature and some meadows. We hiked for three days. And we ate a lot! And I am brand new! Although my skin is still turnip white, I have some healthy glow now.
Some inspiration waited for me around the web as soon as I came home, 'cause I proudly left laptop on desktop@home. Yup. Be proud of me! No computer for 3 days!
+beautiful, beautiful video named dark side of the lens
+new Kinfolk Magazine is out (volume one, actually) - guys who are working on this masterpiece are my favorite bloggers, like ever... you will enjoy - promised!
These small pebbles moved all the time by the force of the water. That was the spring of this small creek.