Perpetuum mobile.
Few years ago I was walking around, taking photos and enjoying in the serendipity on the road. Somehow I realized I gathered so many drawings and illustration that it was time for me to put them on a world wide web. And that's how all of it started. I started drawing more and more. Drawing became an important part of daily routine.
I also bought new phone somewhere in the late 2013. I stopped carrying my favorite camera around. I would take a photo and post in on
instagram. BAM. Few lines. Few hashtags. That's all. Few weeks ago, I was going through my accounts and I realized how many things I gathered here, on this blog. How many memories, how many feelings. And I decided to revive it. I decided to make this blog my think-tank again. And also a recorder of the things happening.
Second thing why I decided to revive this blog was because I finished the project called #100daysofparis. I put illustrations of my Parisian adventures for 100 days every day on instagram. I made a
website out of it. It made my heart beat, and it made my heart sink. It made me happy and it made me melancholic. And it made me overwhelmed. Now, those 100 days are gone. Life is a fast lane. We need to record our progress. Or we just to need to capture our stories on a page. So we can laugh about it now and we can laugh about it later. I will share here some of those catches. Some of those magic moments.
Here are my fav drawings from #100daysofparis. Every drawing has a story so be sure to click on the number under it in order to read it.
Let the new era begin!